Sdx is trusted by more than 70 leading enterprises across 300+ project implementations and over the last 15 years has delivered 30 million digital customer engagements.

During the COVID-19 emergency we were able to provide FBD with a digital alternative to their print distribution facility, all in the space of a week.

Banking and Finance
At the Consumer Credit Association, we have cut the time it takes to process contractual paperwork to a matter of minutes instead of days.

Car Rental
We’ve developed a digital ‘rental wallet’ customers can reach via their smart mobile devices, to access all rental documentation.

Housing Market
Use our engagement platform for identity and address verification, digital paperwork, fault reporting and a whole lot more.

Streamline your recruitment processes by carrying out identity verification and document exchange within a customised digital wallet.

Public Sector
From visa handling to COVID passports, we can help you deliver highly secure and scalable digital tools to improve citizen services.

Customer focused solutions